Grade 2 Fit for Life Museum

January— the time of year when everyone has over-indulged over the holiday season and experiences an urge to take up a new sport or make healthier food choices. Luckily, right before the break, grade 2 students shared their knowledge of health and fitness with the ISA community at their one-day-only pop-up event, The Museum of Health and Fitness.

Fit for Life

As part of their recent work in the ‘Fit for Life’ unit of inquiry, students wanted to explore just how much the ISA community knows about health and whether they need help to be the healthiest that they can be. To find out, the students sent out a survey to their parents and to the whole school community with questions they had formulated themselves, such as ‘do you get stressed?‘ and ‘would you like to find out more about how to cooperate better and cope with your emotions?’

After just a week, students received a fantastic 103 responses and they began analysing the data they had collected. Based on the information, the class formed groups around a health topic, including allergies; cooperation; learning new exercises; yoga and healthy snacks. They conducted further research and met with experts, such as ISA’s nurses, to find out more about their chosen subjects.

Inspired by the local Amsterdam event ‘Museumnacht‘ (Museum Night), the students decided to share their learning with the ISA community by holding a special museum day. They designed five workshops which were held in different areas of the school and invited the whole community to join. At ‘the Museum of Health and Fitness’ event, participants could learn how to manage negative feelings at the ‘How to Cooperate Better and Cope with your Emotions’ workshop; how to reduce stress with yoga; how to make a healthy snack and  to relax with salsa dancing; and how to find out more information about allergies to benefit the whole ISA community.

The event was a great success, with dozens of parents, teachers and staff members from across the school joining the event to support grade 2 in sharing their knowledge with the wider community.